Tuesday, October 18, 2019
Aries Moon, 3rd quarter
Venus in Sagittarius quincunx Uranus in Taurus 7:15 PM EDT
Moon in Aries will intensify through the day as it waxes the rest of the way to Full tomorrow morning…if you want to do anything out under the Aries Full Moon, do it tonight, because by tomorrow night, Moon will have moved on to Taurus and the energy will be completely different. The exact time of the Full Moon is 10:57 AM EDT tomorrow. Moon encountered difficult aspects overnight last night, including a conjunction to Chiron, digging at old wounds, and an opposition to Mercury Station Direct in Libra, firing up relationship issues, so morning may still carry some of this intensity as we awaken. Moon also had an early morning trine to Venus in Sagittarius at 6:40 AM EDT, where Venus seeks freedom and is also currently Out of Bounds by declination, so there will be a strong demand for independence today. Any hint of restraint placed upon us will cause rebellion. This Aries Full Moon carries a heavy sense of frustration with any limitations…we are ready to be as aggressive as necessary to overcome them. I will be detailing the Full Moon in a newsletter for my e-mail list later today.
Venus in Sagittarius has been an underlying need for freedom within relationships during this tumultuous Mercury Retro that occurred in Libra, the sign of relationships, and we want to explore new horizons. This has been a complicated time, but Venus in Sagittarius has helped us to see the big picture that surrounds our connections, and now allows us to express our needs openly…though sometimes this may be too blunt and abrupt. Today, Venus is entangled in a tough quincunx aspect with Uranus in Taurus, which is a difficult energy to work with no matter what it’s doing. Uranus is the planet of unexpected change and revolution, and Taurus is always gravitating toward stability and routine. This quincunx can create unexpected challenges within relationships today that feel like they threaten our independence within the dynamic, and that can be tricky to navigate, especially while we are feeling so much Libra energy with Sun, Mars, and Mercury Station all emphasizing the desire to connect. Venus quincunx Uranus can see surprising behavior, so try to think before you react in relationship situations…with Mercury Station Direct, it’s still tough thanks to Mercury barely creeping right now.
Tomorrow’s Full Moon is under an incredibly heavy aspect pattern involving Mars opposite Eris t-square Pluto, as well as the opposition between Mercury Station and Chiron, the wounded healer, so as we feel the energy crescendo today, it’s going to be exceedingly loud and undeniable. I will be sending out my Full Moon newsletter this evening…if you aren’t on my e-mail list but would like to be, you can e-mail me at divinefireastrology@gmail.com and I will be happy to add you. Mars square Pluto will be exact on Friday when Sun slithers stealthily into Scorpio, so even after the culmination of the Full Moon, the wild ride continues.