Mercury Cazimi in Libra 2021
Saturday, October 9, 2021
Moon in Sagittarius 11:24 AM EDT
Sun in Libra conjunct Mercury Retrograde 12:18 PM EDT
Mercury Retrograde conjunct Mars in Libra 6:48 PM EDT
Moon bursts into visionary Sagittarius at 11:24 AM EDT, taking off some of the pressure we felt under Scorpio Moon, and allowing us to shift to a more expansive focus. Sagittarius Moon will see us need to assert independence, and find those necessary silver linings we haven’t been able to see lately under the overwhelming intensity of the current transits we are under. Moon will make a conjunction to Venus in Sagittarius at 3:37 PM EDT, and our need for connection comes with a flair for individual quirks and adventure. It’s time to explore! Moon will sextile Saturn in Aquarius at 10:43 PM EDT, highlighting our need for independence within group dynamics, and lowering tolerance for other people.
Mercury Cazimi, the conjunction that is the height of Mercury Retrograde, will occur at 12:18 PM EDT. This is a time to mentally withdraw, where sudden insight and realization about what exactly this Retrograde means for you and for relationships, since it’s in Libra, may strike. This is a powerful conjunction, every Retrograde has one. Mercury Retro antics, like miscommunication, technological failure, accidents, and general lack of awareness will be prevalent today, so take caution, and try to pay attention. Since this Retro is in Libra, close relationships will be the ones most heavily impacted. This is not a day to initiate anything with new people, and the Libra balancing act we seek to employ will be particularly difficult today. Thankfully, Sagittarius Moon helps us to maintain optimism, and also shields us from taking things too personally, we can write things off far more easily and give no cares under Sagittarius Moon than we can other Moon signs.
Mars will also be conjunct Mercury Retrograde in Libra today at 6:48 PM EDT. This makes the entire day feel that much more crucial, and pivotal. Mars in Libra is often hesitant to move forward, and needs all the insight it can get. This is where we are seeking to balance all of the changes we have undergone and continue to traverse under the heavy aspects of this week during Mercury Retrograde, the Libra New Moon, and Pluto Station. Mars in Libra seeks solutions that cater to everyone’s needs, but Mercury Retrograde is going to point out where that just isn’t possible, and where we need to be more assertive. This can lead to sudden blow ups and releases of pent up aggression and tension, especially about the past, as Mercury Retrograde is taking us deep in thinking about old issues. This is a damned if you do, damned if you don’t Mercury/Mars, so do what must be done.
Saturn is slowing down to Station Direct tomorrow at 6 degrees Aquarius. This means that the dynamic is going to shift once again dramatically. Aquarius is a future oriented sign, and this Sation will see us ready to take steps we haven’t been recently. This can affect anything Aquarius related, such as humanitarian causes and group dynamics. I will be sending out a newsletter with more on Saturn Station tomorrow. Remember, planetary Station isn’t a time to MOVE FORWARD like some people somehow want to claim. It’s a weird time, where we are grinding gears and processing deep changes that must be made. Saturn in Aquarius is on a mission to see us assert our individuality within the collective, and to determine our own role amongst our tribe. This Station may see you need to redefine your tribe, or mend fences that have been broken but bridges not quite burned…or you may grab a torch, sit back, and watch the inferno.