Hi, again, Kornelia!
This wasn't "prickly" here, I am heartily amused. I took the liberty of looking at your posted writing as an example, since you have such an illustrious resume to present to me here. If you've been writing professionally for over three decades, I strongly suggest that you hire someone to proofread your work for repetitive use of dashes in place of actual punctuation, improper use of semi-colon, and that you watch out for sneaky sentence fragments. You have a tendency to unnecessarily truncate sentences, then you begin the following sentence fragment with "especially" when you should, instead, use a comma. Perhaps this repetitive tendency in your writing is why you admittedly prefer incomplete paragraphs that consist of short blurbs that are more suited to a platform such as Twitter rather than essay format such as what is presented here. Just look at the sentence in your above comment: "To make lengthy and descriptive prose easy to read on the screen, is an essential requirement." When you can structure a complete sentence correctly, you have space to comment on the writing of others from a technical standpoint. I hope that you find this unsolicited advice more helpful than you found my actual content, to which you responded with unsolicited advice, and upon seeing your actual writing...well, it's highly amusing. Point blank, I am not here to adjust my content to anyone's expectations, and you are more than welcome to avoid it, if you are so inclined. The watering down of writing for the non-existant attention span of the internet is one of the banes of the modern written word, and though you may espouse it, and make money churning out click-bait fodder, I certainly do not. Cheers!