Divine Fire Daily Astrology 2.12.2022: Mercury Culminates an Uphill Sojourn Through Capricorn
Saturday, February 12, 2022
Cancer Moon, 2nd quarter
Emotions will continue to be intense with Moon waxing quite closely to Full now, in the sign of Cancer, the lunar ruled sign of home, hearth, and empathy. We need security and a safe place for the vulnerability that runs so deeply with Moon in this sign, and sometimes that entails hiding within the protective shell of the Crab. Not only is emotion heightened under Cancer Moon, but so is psychic awareness, particularly in the form of empathy, deep feelings run strong and right now we feel them from others far more easily. Moon will square Chiron in Aries at 2:07 PM EST, and headstrong impulsivity may cause hurtful lessons to arise, tread carefully during this time, especially regarding any issues that revolve around the past. Moon will trine Jupiter in Pisces at 2:35 PM, and our need for creative expression and spiritual connection will be heightened. This aspect brings with it a powerful sense of faith and hope, and we’re able to slip away into fantasyland quite easily here. Manifestation begins with visualization, so this aspect can be incorporated into dreams yet to be woven, that are barely ideas with which to play. Moon will sextile Uranus in Taurus at 4:49 PM EST, and mood swings may be intense as we encounter the unexpected. In a sextile, this won’t be so much shock and awe or major obstacles, but Uranus comes here with realizations and opportunities…just sometimes those opportunities are disguised as bumps in the road. This sextile can provoke realizations and awakenings, so pay attention to thought spirals that are new or different. They may be important. Moon will oppose Mars and Venus in Capricorn at 11:21 PM and 12:45 AM respectively, that’s how close Venus and Mars actually are as Mars moves toward Venus for a kiss of conjunction. Relationship issues that revolve around security/insecurity or work/home may arise during these hours, and we may be made aware if there are any value or goal inconsistencies within relationships, thanks to Cancer Moon making us highly aware of whatever we aren’t receiving, and which needs are being unmet.
Mercury is now blazing through the final degrees of Capricorn, where it is ready to slide back into Aquarius on Monday, just ahead of Wednesday’s Full Moon. In these final degrees of Capricorn, Mercury has now made all of the aspects it’s going to make, and today may still be tense as it begins to pull away from yesterday’s conjunction to Pluto. We aren’t out of reach of this conjunction just yet, particularly during the morning hours. It’s time to wrap up this transit of the planet of thought and communication through the sign of goals and hard work, and this transit has been quite intense thanks to Mercury Retrograde that happened partially in this sign. This particular sojourn was uphill, and that hill was steep and intimidating! As we experience these 2 final degrees of the sign once again in forward motion, we may see things arise that we dealt with while Mercury was here before in Retro motion, so if any major communication breakdowns or technology problems occurred for you on January 26, 27, or 28 you may see them resolved now, or echoed in different ways today and tomorrow. When Mercury moves back into Aquarius on Monday, there will be a definite sense that we are finally moving FORWARD, even though we still won’t be anywhere near past the degree at which the Retrograde began, the ingress to the sign of future focus and innovation will be a rush, from rigid Capricorn Earth to wide open Aquarius Air. Mercury in Capricorn is intently focused one-track mind, while Mercury in Aquarius is wide open to change and thrives upon the new and avant garde, and needs multiple focal points. Mercury in Capricorn needs structure and to adhere to the tried and true, while Mercury in Aquarius needs to seek new and ever expanding horizons of thought and experience. The transition from Capricorn to Aquarius is always an interesting one, so pay attention on Monday as we go from Cardinal Earth to Fixed Air. Next week will be a dramatic week of change as we also have the Leo Full Moon on Wednesday, that illuminates Venus and Mars in a deeply committing conjunction in Capricorn, and we will also see Sun leave Aquarius for dreamy Pisces on Friday. These 2 final degrees of Mercury in Capricorn may feel persistently stuck in the past today and tomorrow, but we have plenty of pleasant changes on the horizon.