Divine Fire Astrology Daily


Monday, November 15, 2021

Aries Moon, 2nd quarter

Venus in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries 3:07 AM EST

Sun in Scorpio square Jupiter in Aquarius 2:58 PM EST

Moon remains in Aries today, a strong burst of forward motion that gets us up and going! Moon squared Venus in Capricorn overnight, and relationship tension may be on our minds in the early hours. Moon will make a quincunx to Mars in Scorpio at 7:32 AM EST, and we struggle with emotion vs action. Impulsivity may be driving us emotionally under Aries Moon, but Mars in Scorpio is calculating and discerning before it strikes. Don’t make rash decisions this morning. Moon will make a quincunx to Mercury in Scorpio at 5:58 PM EST, yes, another quincunx, but Mercury is 5 degrees ahead of Mars now, so these two are NOT close enough to trigger a Yod configuration. The Moon/Mercury quincunx can lead to confusion and we may miss details with over-blown emotions getting in the way. Aries Moon feels big and expresses loudly…and is typically more bark than bite. Considering these Scorpio planets, however, there is salivating bite just waiting, so tread lightly in delicate situations today.

Venus in Capricorn is taking relationships seriously, and slowly, and telling us that it’s time to make sure the effort we are putting forth is being exerted wisely. Venus engaged in a square to Chiron in Aries overnight, and this can make us both hypercritical of relationships today as well as hypersensitive to criticism. Anything perceived as a “failure” will cut deeply, Capricorn demands perfection, especially from ourselves under this Venus transit. Be careful not to lose sight of partner’s feelings and experience, the demands of Venus in Capricorn can be intense and lead to refusal to compromise. Chiron in this square makes the present a place where we are working through past hurt and past issues, so take time to make sure that your relationship judgments and expectations are not one-sided.

Sun is nearing the end of it’s journey through Scorpio, where we traverse the Underworld and confront our demons. Today, Sun will square Jupiter in Aquarius, which is also nearing the end of it’s journey, at 2:58 PM EST. Jupiter squares can lead to overindulgence or taking too many liberties, and remember here we have Air (Aquarius) square Water (Scorpio), so we have heightened mental activity triggering deep, emotional obsession. Overthinking is a big deal today, don’t allow it to spin you into a spiral. This square can also provoke a sudden desire for big change, as Jupiter in Aquarius can inspire new horizons and Sun in Scorpio isn’t afraid of endings and culmination. Jupiter always magnifies whatever it touches, so expect this energy to heighten emotion and intuition…trust your gut today.



Divine Fire Astrology by Natasha Lyn Carruth
Divine Fire Astrology by Natasha Lyn Carruth

Written by Divine Fire Astrology by Natasha Lyn Carruth

Professional astrology with Cancer Ascendant empathy, Leo Sun confidence, and Sag Moon vision. www.divinefireastrology.com

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