Divine Fire Astrology Daily
Saturday, October 16, 2021
Pisces Moon, 3rd quarter
Venus in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries 2:49 PM EDT
Mars in Libra quincunx Neptune in Pisces 5:27 PM EDT
Mercury Retrograde in Libra sextile Venus in Sagittarius 9:24 PM EDT
Pisces Moon is a barrage of emotional flooding today, and we are at the whim of the tide. Deep feelings must surface, but it takes more than expression of feelings to resolve the tension behind them. Moon complicates relationships with this flood as it squares Venus in Sagittarius at 4:59 PM EDT, and both energies entail a desire to escape from uncomfortable situations rather than come to a resolution. Moon will make a quincunx to Mercury Retrograde in Libra at 5:27 PM EDT, so be prepared for the potential of miscommunication during this time, and heightened frustration. Moon will sextile Uranus in Taurus late at 11:14 PM EDT, and this may cause strange dreams or restless sleep. We may be mentally wired, but emotionally exhausted tonight. We have several planetary aspects to wade through in addition to this intense and overwhelming Moon!
Venus in Sagittarius will trine Chiron in Aries at 2:49 PM EDT, and though it’s a positive aspect in which the two planetary energies share the modality of Fire, Chiron can always trigger and inflame, so be cautious when dealing with old issues and old patterns in relationships. This trine can help us see where we need to be more independent within relationships, and help us have the courage to take a stand and assert what we know is right. This is a powerful aspect to help us remember the power inherent in self-love.
Mars in Libra will make a quincunx aspect to Neptune in Pisces today at 5:27 PM EDT, and this causes hesitance and uncertainty. Mars in Libra must always weigh the balance before moving forward, and Neptune in Pisces tips the scales with misplaced trust and rose colored glasses. Be cautious of anything that feels too good to be true today…it is.
Mercury Retrograde in Libra will make a sextile to Venus in Sagittarius at 9:24 PM EDT, and this can make relationships go haywire. This isn’t the time to discuss heavy issues while we are under an emotional Pisces Moon, because the Retro here may have us feeling completely misunderstood and things can spiral quite quickly. This is an excellent time to go within, and to THINK about and RECONSIDER old relationship issues, and to examine where we are now and try to make connections between the two. It just isn’t necessarily the time to approach and talk about it. Mercury is slowing down to Station Direct on Monday, so it’s now time to start thinking about the lessons this Retrograde has entailed for you. Where have relationships been challenged, and what have we learned about how we relate to others? Wherever there has been tension with a person close to you during the past three weeks, there is an opportunity to try to resolve the underlying issue within yourself, and to see where next time you may be able to respond differently. If you start to think you simply shouldn’t have said anything in the first place, stop and reflect, because that is never the answer. Libra tact and diplomacy is the answer here. This Retrograde had Pluto and Saturn both Station Direct during this time, and each of those planetary halts had a powerful effect, and caused some sort of realization or major disruption to work through. It’s time to take the weekend to analyze it internally, and that isn’t an easy task under a highly emotional Pisces Moon. Doing the work now makes Station a moment of culmination, where we can make real progress toward change, and let go of whatever we’ve decided hasn’t been working for us.