Divine Fire Astrology Daily
Saturday, November 13, 2021
Pisces Moon, 2nd quarter
Mercury in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus 10:57 AM EST
We are still under an emotionally fluctuating, deeply spiritual Pisces Moon. We are at the beck of ebb and flow here, our own as well as that of others. Compassion is deeply inspired today, we are called to try to truly understand what inspires those around us. Moon will be conjunct Neptune today at 4:46 PM EST, a powerful jolt to our intuition. This is where we just FEEL things, and they coalesce through the haze. Be careful to back things up with evidence before acting, because this aspect can also come with delusion, and misinterpretation. Moon will sextile Pluto in Capricorn shortly after midnight, taking us on a deep dive over night, and dreams may be particularly powerful. Pay attention to them.
Mercury, planet of communication and thought processes, is in Scorpio, where it’s positively psychic and we are seeking what lies beneath…the reality behind words and the motivation of others becomes clear to us under Mercury in Scorpio. Uranus, planet of awakening and sudden change, is in Taurus, where the ground beneath us is shaken up to create something more stable and sustainable. These two will meet in opposition today at 10:57 AM EST, a lightening strike of insight and passion. This is an aspect of conflict, but it comes with a powerful burst of ideas and a flurry of mental activity. This is where we may be suddenly inspired with new solutions for old problems, and can have sudden impulses lead to great discovery and invention. Be careful not to lose control, Mercury here can feel particularly triggered, and verbal sparring is likely from Scorpio lashing out. This tension can be used constructively in creative pursuits, and may get us moving after any stagnation we’ve felt. Wherever we feel the ground shaking today is where we need to dive in and get to work, hands-on and doing something different and REAL (Uranus in Taurus) to ground this obsessive mental energy (Mercury in Scorpio). Passion pays off, and changes make a difference today under this lightning strike opposition.