Divine Fire Astrology Daily 1.28.2022
Friday, January 28, 2022
Sagittarius Moon, 4th quarter
Sun in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries 9:57 PM EST
Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn conjunct Pluto 11:16 PM EST
Moon continues to saunter through Sagittarius today, with a thirst for knowledge and hunger for adventure! We are impulsive and easily distracted, and wanderlust is calling. It can be easiest to satisfy under Aquarius Sun by pursuing intellectual satisfaction. We need this freedom, this movement…but the world isn’t exactly conducive to experiencing this need to wander in a literal sense, by distance, at this time. This is a day to study, to research, to delve deeply into everything from the arcane to the science of tomorrow. Change is a GOOD thing under this Moon, so take a different way home, seek out new stimulation and modes of expression. Moon will square Neptune in Pisces at 2:00 PM, and it’s a good time to pause and daydream; this will be the height of distraction for today, where we may be quite busy mentally, but not exactly productive, and that’s ok. Sagittarius Moon is optimistic and open ended, we are able to shift between priorities as needed. This adaptive and MutableMoon sign flexibility carries the excitement and passion of Fire. This is an incredibly deeply feeling Moon that relates everything to the bigger picture perspective that is actually at play, and seeks to broaden our horizons.
Sun in abstract, detached Aquarius will sextile Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in Aries tonight at 9:57 PM, a supportive aspect that can help us think and rationalize our way to deep healing. When old wounds arise, and Chiron in Aries targets those that trigger issues of confidence and self-esteem, Aquarius Sun can step in here and take the processing in a more cerebral direction, with Chiron in headstrong Aries temporarily pausing to listen, and harken unto the precise and pragmatic advice of Aquarius. We are thinking toward the future here, but must synthesize the lessons of the past. Of course, any time that Chiron is provoked, it’s a process we must actively seek out, this is the healer that has infinite difficulty in healing the SELF, and there can be an unwillingness to even admit that certain wounds exist under Chiron in Aries. Aquarius energy can help us to see things with a different and more detached spin that began last night and will continue through tomorrow night to help us process that which needs to be considered, and go forth feeling more confident in our paths.
Mercury Retrograde will make it’s conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn tonight at 11:16 PM EST, the conjunction I’ve been talking about all week as it’s been building like the seismic shift before an earthquake shakes the ground beneath us. This conjunction can bring about the deepest revelations regarding past issues with communication, and Pluto seeks to make us see things in a completely different light with its demand for transformation. Pluto often operates through suffering, that triggers a deep need to LET GO. Whatever arises today, whatever plagues your consciousness, is Mercury Retrograde conjunct Pluto, and it’s time to shift approach. Capricorn has an incredibly powerful need for control, that is a major part of the reason that this sign can succeed at reaching the highest levels of aspiration…but the control issues can get in the way, allowing rigidity and domineering expectations of perfection to sabotage any real growth or evolution. It’s particularly important under this conjunction that we remember that control is but an illusion, and it isn’t serving any purpose, it is, in fact creating even MORE obstacles along the way by nature of Pluto becoming more and more insistent the longer we resist it’s lessons.
Under today’s Mercury Retro/Pluto conjunction, we also have Venus in Capricorn, grinding to a halt, preparing to Station Direct tomorrow morning at 3:46 AM EST. I will be writing a full article on Venus Direct in Capricorn later today, it will be posted here to my Medium account. If you subscribe to my work via e-mail on Medium, you’ll receive it right to your inbox, along with my daily post every day and all other articles I write. Going forward, I am going to make more use of this writing venue.