Divine Fire Astrology Daily


Sunday, October 31, 2021

Virgo Moon, 4th quarter

Moon in Virgo says it’s time to get practical and conscientious today. Virgo Moon emphasizes a need to do things right, and to BE right, and is willing to do the work to get there. Emotionally, it’s an analytical phase where we are more likely to be thinking about emotion than feeling, and it’s easy to become overwhelmed with our duties and responsibilities to others. Moon made a trine to Scorpio Sun at 4:58 AM EDT, and the stillness of early morning offers clarity and insight if we seek to reflect. Moon will make a quincunx to Chiron in Aries at 7:19 AM EDT, leading us into a potentially negative mindset, so it’s important to keep past experiences in the past if we want to see how to deal with what is in front of us. Moon will trine Uranus in Taurus at 1:33 PM EDT, paving the way for new methods of efficiency, and encouraging changes, as long as they aren’t too shockingly disruptive to our sense of routine. This is an excellent aspect under which to make progress in any endeavors concerning health and caring for ourselves and others. This is where new habits created can be lasting…we just need consistency. The powerful will of Scorpio Sun is helpful here.

Mercury in Libra is moving into a lovely trine to Jupiter in Aquarius that will be exact just after midnight tonight, that we will feel building all day. This is a harmonious aspect under which we can seek new solutions to communication issues, and perhaps we can resolve things that arose under Mercury Retrograde, when these two met before in trine. Their first encounter was all the way back on the Pisces Full Moon on September 20 in Direct motion, and then they met up during Mercury Retro on October 3…issues that first plagued you during those times may once again be triggered today, but this time, we are seeking final resolution. Jupiter in Aquarius wants to inspire an egalitarian movement here, where we reach a point of acceptance for all, and Mercury in Libra seeks compromise, but it may be particularly difficult to create the necessary balance between ME and WE. Given that we are being pulled all the way back to Pisces Full Moon here, themes of sacrifice and guilt may be strong. Where have we had to sacrifice for the greater good, and are we being replenished with reciprocal relationships? If not, it’s time to do something about it.

Today is, of course, Halloween, and we are entering the height of Scorpio Sun. It’s important to remember that when we talk about quarter and cross-quarter holidays and celebrations, they are NOT calendar based, but their entire point is astrological in origin. Pagan holidays have been celebrated since time immemorial, and were intended to mark the cycle of the Earth as designated by the movement of the Sun, the force of life that sustains us. The calendar we use today is obviously imperfect and does not accurately reflect the passing of time from an astrological standpoint. The planets aren’t operating on our strange and chaotic marking of time perception, we are instead at their behest…so when it comes to holidays that have gotten THIS far off track in how humans try to reflect them, it’s important to think about the difference. Samhain, from which Halloween is derived, occurs yearly as Sun reaches 15 degrees Scorpio. The date upon which it falls changes from year to year, but if we are going to make the effort to celebrate and honor this powerful day for REAL, it’s important to know when it actually IS. This year, Samhain falls on November 7. That is when the veil will be at it’s thinnest, and is the proper time to honor this holiday of death, rebirth, and regeneration. I like to think of this concept in terms of celebrating an entire week of spiritual rebirth that begins tonight, and will culminate on Samhain November 7.



Divine Fire Astrology by Natasha Lyn Carruth
Divine Fire Astrology by Natasha Lyn Carruth

Written by Divine Fire Astrology by Natasha Lyn Carruth

Professional astrology with Cancer Ascendant empathy, Leo Sun confidence, and Sag Moon vision. www.divinefireastrology.com

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