Divine Fire Astrology Daily
Saturday, October 24, 2021
Gemini Moon, 3rd quarter
Mercury in Libra quincunx Uranus in Taurus 1:45 PM EDT
Moon remains in Gemini all day, we’re distracted with a constantly shifting focus. It’s a fantastic day for anything that requires multitasking, and talking through problems. Gemini Moon is always up and down, back and forth, encompassing duality. We feel not only what we feel, but must also confront the polarity. Moon will trine Mercury in Libra at 6:17 AM EDT, temporarily sharpening our early morning focus, and spawning bright ideas. Moon will oppose Venus in Sagittarius at 5:42 PM, and this emphasizes our need for freedom and independence of thought in relationships. Tongues may be sharp during this aspect, and unintentionally so. Moon will square Neptune in Pisces at 10:14 PM EDT, clouding intuition…don’t believe the anxiety. It’s all smoke and mirrors. This is also an aspect that can reveal that the truth is hidden behind the words of others, so pay attention to anything that feels “off” because something is obscured and underlying. Once the square lifts, we can figure it out.
Mercury, planet of thought and communication, in lovely Libra, is now beginning to gain speed in Direct apparent motion, and today it will make a quincunx aspect to Uranus, planet of awakening and revolution in steady Taurus. This tricky aspect can provoke unexpected communication, or strange realizations that hit with a powerful a-ha moment. This was an aspect we encountered in two other passes recently. The first one occurred on September 10 before Mercury traversed it’s Retrograde, and the second was during the Retro on October 12…issues that became prominent during these times within relationships, since Mercury is in the sign of relationship, may come back around for final resolution today.
We are now heading toward Eclipse Season, with Scorpio New Moon on November 4 coming to prepare us before we once again encounter the strange and necessary pull of Eclipse to spin us around, yet again. The first Eclipse will occur under the Full Moon on November 19 at 27 degrees Taurus, and the final Solar Eclipse this year will occur on December 3 or 4th, depending upon your time zone, at 12 degrees Sagittarius, under the Sagittarius New Moon. These are the final Eclipses we will endure before the Lunar Nodes move from the Gemini/Sagittarius axis to the Taurus/Scorpio axis, so it’s time to pay attention to the energies that arise for us under this Scorpio Season, because this is the axis that is about to be highlighted for almost 2 years beginning in 2022. Eclipses always entail a turning point, and how they play out on a personal level depends completely upon where they fit into your natal chart, and any aspects they make to you. We will begin to feel the strange aura that comes with Eclipses of energy intensifying and things becoming weird now, people who are highly sensitive are already feeling the anticipation since Sun moved into Scorpio. If things feel disconcerting, or just eerie, the impending Eclipses are why. Most people will begin to feel this more intensely upon the New Moon.