Astro Plan Your Week September 5-11, 2022: Mercury Station Retrograde and Pisces Full Moon

Astrology for Daily Living

Logo Credit: My husband Benjamin Carruth

Astro Plan Your Week September 4 through 11, 2022: Pisces Full Moon

Monday, September 5, 2022

Capricorn Moon 2nd quarter

Venus enters Virgo 12:05 AM EDT

Earth energy is deep and serious today as we will be under a stoic Capricorn Moon and Venus, planet of love and resources, enters meticulous Virgo. This is an excellent day for planning ahead, and for clearing clutter within our environments as well as within our relationships. This is a time for ensuring that the necessary mundane details are handled this week before we delve into the spiritual awakening of the upcoming Pisces Full Moon.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Moon enters Aquarius 11:41 PM EDT

Pallas-Athena enters Cancer 12:58 AM EDT will be on Asteroid Tier of my Patreon

Today will feel strange indeed as Moon enters rebellious Aquarius, and this may be a frustrating energy to work with under Virgo Sun’s quest for perfection. Aquarius Moon is out to defy odds, and needs room to explore while Virgo Sun needs routine and organized execution of plans. Use today to work on accepting that things…



Divine Fire Astrology by Natasha Lyn Carruth

Professional astrology with Cancer Ascendant empathy, Leo Sun confidence, and Sag Moon vision.